
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Hunt for the Perfect Command Center

One of the "Organized Home" staples is the Family Command Center. You know, the perfectly styled, coordinated, and organized center for all paperwork, scheduling, and planning that comes across a motherly desk? The one-stop shop to prevent paper clutter from entering the home? The Pottery Barn Shrines to Housewifery?

They're just so damn beautiful, in all the magazines and on Pinterest. I want one.

SO I started some research on how to stage a be-yooo-tiful but functional command center for my home.  The problem is...they're tailored for mommies, so they have ideas like "how to store homework" or "what to do with those pesky birthday party invitations" or "lists your husband will actually remember" and all that other garbage. Oh, and they really, really like chalkboards.*

There is no advice on the materials that go in a command center for a stabilized working professional with no spouse or children. Does this mean I don't need a command center? Of course not! It just means there's a niche out there for a person to tell the world how it should be. Ladies and gents, I submit that person is me.

So, this is part one of my Command Center for the Single Professional series! Today, I've made a list of the most common items I've seen in the family command center ideas, and evaluated their usefulness to my world:

  1. Mail sorting system. This is a staple for any home organization effort. For us SINK (stable income, no kids) folks, mail is likely the most common form of paper clutter coming into the home.  For me, this should include a way to corral the piles, and easy access to the shredder and the trash. I'd like to get all my mail in one place, too- currently, it ends up in three or four different places.
  2. Calendar. I have mixed feelings about this: I'm a digital girl and I do almost all of my scheduling via my phone and computer portals. However, every once in a while, a big date sneaks up on me, so it might be nice to have a monthly overview in my face every day. I'll play with this concept a little.
  3. Lists and Menu Planning. The same issue as the calendar applies here- I try to keep my lists in One Note, which means a dedicated list spot is probably not the most useful item. I do menu plan, so I'll probably just develop a menu planning/list spot and call it good.
  4. Critical Contacts. What, do I have a babysitter I don't know about?Actually, since I do have pets, I will probably make up one of these bad boys to keep in easy reference.
  5. Memo Board: Isn't that what the refrigerator door is for...? KIDDING. (One of the rules to a tidy home: keep counters clear and the fridge door clean. Seriously- try it.) I'll probably add a memo board for all the little loose ends that pop up but don't get entered into the planner immediately.
  6. Storage Bins By Family Name: Well that would be the saddest accessory ever. "Cass" and then four empty bins. PASS. Plus, I have a fantastic mud room to handle my coats, gloves, shoes, etc.
  7. Writing Utensil Storage: Duh. Pens, pencils, scissors, lighters, tape- it all needs a home. This one stays for sure. Bonus: No little fingers mean I can keep it all in one space in a pretty container, rather than hiding the sharp and/or firestarting objects.
  8. Charging Stations:  This one depends on location. It would be convenient to have a charging area for my phone and surface while I'm working if, say, the command center is in the kitchen, but I wouldn't use any charging functionality in the foyer. My phone lives in my nightstand overnight, and my surface lives in my work bag when not in use, so this could be of limited functionality for a SINK...I think I'd rather invest in those nifty wall outlets with USB functionality.
  9. Key Hooks: A thousand times, yes. I'm constantly looking for the "right" place to keep my keys. Hopefully this will encourage me to minimize my eternal key storage as well. I"m pretty sure I can let the house key from when I was ten go...but...we'll see.
  10. Photos and Art: Weeeellll, I do want it to be pretty. That was part of what started this whole mess, right? Ephemera stays!

Now, how about some of those commanding items that never seem to crop up in working mommy articles? Good idea! Thanks! Let's go!

Goals and Life Plan: I read a study once that said people who write down their goals are less likely to complete them. I don't know who those magic, mystical people are that can complete goals without daily reminders, but I'm not one of them. I want my goals in my face. The only down side here is that they are private, so I might need a way to cover it quickly if guests come over.

Work Surface: Many of the command centers I've seen are just wall-mounted, and only a few of them include dedicated workspace. That is a must for me: I need a place to set things down, even if it just takes a minute. I don't need a whole desk- that will encourage clutter- but a wide shelf capable of holding my coffee, my handbag, and the pile of mail while I sort it is a must.

Clock: I know, I know- a digital girl needs a wall clock, really? But I really miss my clock.

Mirror: This depends on location, again, but mirrors are great decorating tools to increase light and reflect spaces. Also, who doesn't appreciate a quick face-book

* Seriously, I don't get the chalk thing- especially in a house full of kids. I thought the idea was to create less mess, not create a surface that, by its very nature, will add dust to your home and require one special tool to write with, another one to erase the writing, and yet a third to clean the surface. Just saying.

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